Puzzled2021, 158 x 100 cm
I had a 1000-piece puzzle made from one of my doodle drawings (see first detail photo). What on the drawing were still clearly different areas, surfaces and lines, became 1000 parts, which all looked more or less the same! After several hours of trying and tinkering I had to admit that the puzzle could simply not be done (detail photo 2).
But just throw it away? No! Make a piece out of it, which takes up the playfulness of the puzzle: the result is Puzzled, consisting of the 1000 puzzle pieces, each sewn on a piece of Velcro (detail photo 3), which makes it possible to assemble the work, playfully, again and again (detail photos 4 and 5) - what also, just like the puzzle, requires some patience!
Quilt National 23: Most Innovative Use of Material Award
Sold. The piece is now included in the Quilt National Collection of the International Quilt Museum in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA